Friday, October 22, 2021

Mandates Shmandates - This Trash Must Stop

After watching Bidump drool on Anderson Cooper about how first responders and polite should be fired if they refuse the shot I got pissed off.

 Mandates are wrong and Biden is the one who made it a political issue. He needs to shut his trap and quit pushing his trash and liberal lies. He tries to blame Conservatives for making it a political issue, but in truth he made it one when he started pushing his agenda to force the injection of  this crap into American citizens. What about all the illegal criminals who are crossing our southern border? Push your trash on them, not on real American citizens who work for a living. 

Biden is the worst president in the history of America, he and Ovomit are he two worst to ever walk through the doors of the White House and an insult to America.  Congress is a disgrace to America as well. All of these people work for us and they are taking away our freedoms and liberties and we need to let them know that we are done with the progressive trash and we want what is right for America and it is not the three pieces of trash legislation that will destroy America. His trash legislation is a socialist agenda with “human infrastructure” not real infrastructure. Only 6% of the bill covers roads, bridges, and real infrastructure the rest is trash.  No bill should be more than a few pages long and all bills should deal specifically with the one or two things assigned to it not all the trash that it is included. I have read these bills all the way through and they are trash, and would make a great fire starter.  Most of the people who we elected and who are suppose to work for us have not even read these bills. They just listen to the trash Pelosi and her criminal band are pushing and say, okay.  These people need to be reigned in because they work for us and what they are pushing is not what the citizens of America want.

Everything Bidump says in this video is a lie in my opinion. The man has done nothing that is good for America in all the years he has been in office and nothing he touches is good. It is all demonic because he is in league with Satan.  He is a dictator who rules by executive order and mandate and that is not how a president runs a country. A president needs to be in league with the people, not against the people like every demoncrap in Washington is.  They work for us, not the other way around.  

We need term limits and we need to cut the pay of those in Washington, starting with the president.  This socialist agenda is bad for America and must be stopped!

It is time for real Americans to stand up. We must stop the border invasion and round up the illegals and send them back to where they came from so they can fix their own countries not destroy ours. Welfare and all the socialist crap needs to go. We need programs that get people back working and on the right track. People need to work for what they want not be given handouts. We need to fix social security, get rid of the windfall elimination trash and stand up for America. It is time for another Declaration of  Independence from the tyrant who is in Washington, D.C. and all his tyrannical, socialist, Nazi cronies who are pushing for the destruction of America. We must defend the Constitution and our God given rights. 

It Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to Pay Off Your College Loan

  There is a key point that the leftist are totally missing in their, asinine argument, saying that the government should pay off student lo...