Saturday, July 2, 2011


We arrived in Rochester tired but we made it. Tom's brother Bobby picked us up at the train station and took us to his house. Tom's sister Judy was waiting for us there. We dropped off the luggage and went to Olive Garden for lunch. Tom's brother Jimmy and his friend met us there. After lunch we went back to Bobby's house for a short nap and then went to his sister Amy's house for pizza on the back deck. The family was there. including Tom's sister Linda and her daughter Danielle, Bobby, Judy, Jimmy, Amy, and her two kids Paige and Joey. It was nice. Danielle talks really fast and her focus jumps every where which is hard to follow and exhausting when you try to keep up with her. It was nice to see all the family. After dinner we went back to Bobby's to shower and sleep. We can't go in Amy's house because she has a cat.
We went to the mall to look for yoga pants and bras for me. It took forever to find a bra that fit and was comfortable. The ones I had found in Seattle were being discontinued, and they do not have my size here in that style. No luck on the yoga pants, they said to try the mall on the other side of town, which was like an hour away. Not going over there, we will look as we travel. We headed back to Bobby's.
Bobby took us on a drive to Lake Ontario. It was beautiful and cool on the beach. A nice break from the heat. We only stayed a few minutes before heading off to run other errands, including a stop to get some wine.
We went to Amy's for dinner, chicken and corn on the cob. The kids are still in school as their summer vacation does not start until next week. We gave the kids a nickel hockey game, they had fun playing it, though they shot a coupled of the nickels so hard they flew down and went through the boards on the deck. Tom and Bobby took the kids for a long walk to the play ground and I took a nap on the deck. I was really tired. I slept over an hour.
The next dat we had a quiet morning at Bobby's house, and then went to a late lunch, early dinner at Amy's. Her husband cooked on the grill. Then Amy, Judy, Bobby, Tom, and I went to a wake for Tom's mother's brother's wife's sister's husband. (I know that is confusing) We went to represent the family and it was nice to see Aunt Judy and Uncle Dave though I wish the circumstance had been different.
Tom and I went for a walk after and I got a Starbucks chai. I miss my morning chai. Both boys called Tom for Father's Day. When Bryce called he told us there is are three bears out at the Boy Scout camp and they are getting into the trash and stuff. He said the camp director said not to kill them, even though fish and game said to kill them. He said he is taking his gun out when he returns to camp because if he sees the bears he is going to shoot them. It worries me because there are young boys out there and the Cub Scout camp is just down the road from there. I am afraid one of the kids will get hurt, especially since the one bear is a cub and if they were to get between the mamma and the cub the momma would definitely go after them.
I slept well last night. Today we went for a walk at Lake Ontario, with Bobby, Judy, and Jimmy. It was a beautiful day. I took some great pictures. We walked along the board walk and walked along a street of house on the lake, until we came to a paved path that ran behind the house, along the lake. We saw some beautiful flowers that I took pictures of. There were some very nice decks and boat launches, as well as some sculptures. We also saw some ducks wandering around the yards.
In one front yard there was a Japanese Maple which is a very pretty red leafed tree. There was also a wooden light house in the yard.
We had lunch at The Pelican Nest. It was very nice. I had a tomato and mozzarella cheese salad. After lunch we went back to Bobby's to pack and to chill for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very busy visit. Must have felt good to be in one place for a little while.


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