Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thoughts on my Creative Flow....

Pat Sloan asked on her blog
"What is your creative flow? 
Do you make for the Joy of it?  
Or must you always (or most of the time)
have a purpose for that project? "

This made me think about the reasons I sew, quilt, knit, crochet, write, create new recipes, and scrap book.

When it come to sewing and quilting I make things for many reasons. The desire to create, the love of playing with fabric, a pattern I was inspired by, learning a new technique, fabric that called out my name to come play with it, or called out the name of someone I knew needed a quilt to be wrapped in love.

When I worked full time and had two young children it was my sanity. I would put myself in timeout, set the timer for 30 minutes, and tell my boys they could not disturb me unless there was blood, broken bones, or fire. It is in my soul.

 I believe I inherited the need to create, quilt, and leave a legacy from my grandmother. Grandma Wilson was a quilter and a cook.  I have two of her quilts and the remains of one she made for me when I was born. It is well loved.  I fell close to her sometimes feel that she is looking over my shoulder when I am piecing and quilting.  I hope to pass on the love of quilting to future generations.

Knitting and Crocheting allow me to relax on long rides in the car, helped me through teaching both boys to drive, and I create or make gifts for others. It is something I enjoy and whatever I make it is made with love.

Writing, whether it be in my journals or on my blog allows me to leave something for future generations, ideas, thoughts, lessons learned, recipes, and stories of my life.  I know that I enjoy reading diaries and biographies and hope that someday, someone will enjoy reading mine.  Writing also helps me to clarify my thoughts and my feelings and to plan and organize.

Cooking and creating new recipes is something I enjoy. I take recipes and tweak them so they are more to our liking. Some things I tweak recipes because they are too bland. Other times because I don't like an ingredient and find that by swapping it out it makes it more flavorful. I also play with food and create recipes based on things I have tried at restaurants.  I enjoy the challenge and the outcome.  Tom is my guinea pig and if he says it is a keeper then it is a winner.

Scrap booking is two fold, one it allows me to create memory books of my life, my boys lives, and events and it is a fun time to get together with a dear friend and do something we both enjoy. It is also a creative time, full of of laughter and memories as well as preserve those we want to share with future generations.

I would have to say in answer to the last part of Pat's question that I create because I enjoy it and because I have sometimes have deadlines. One deadline that is fast approaching is getting our Christmas cards made for this year and I have not even gotten started. Yikes!  I have 21 days to get them done and in the mail because in this case I have a deadline....Christmas Eve.

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