This past week has blessed us with two landmark Supreme Court decisions that will make America a better place. The looney leftist are going insane over both of these decisions, swearing ti is the end of the world as we know it.
The first Supreme Court decision ruled NY concealed carry gun law is unconstitutional. They decided that New York state law violated the Second Amendment because it required gun owners applying for concealed-carry licenses to prove they're need was worthy to carry guns in public. I agree that this law was wrong. You should not have to prove you have a need to carry a weapon. They are already having a background check to make sure they are legally able to own a gun. If they are buying one legally they are in all likely hood not a criminal and not planning an attack. I think that checking mental health records should be a part of every gun license background check because we should not give license to the mentally ill. The looney leftist think this will lead to more mass shootings, but I believe it will lead to people being safer. Shooters have been stopped in other instances by a single person who was carrying a gun. I think it will make the world a safer place it good people have guns and can protect other people.
The second Supreme Court decision was to overturn Roe v. Wade, PRAISE GOD!!! I believe they did the right thing because according to the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution “ The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” U. S. Constitution Abortion is not has never been a part of our constitution and there for should not have been under federal jurisdiction at anytime which is what the Supreme Court found and stated in their decision. People need to get over themselves and grow up. The leftist fascist are acting as if this is the end of the world, when it is not. Abortion is no going away, it is just being left to the states to decided and I fully believe that states will still allow abortions if the mother’s life is in danger and if there is severe psychological damage due to rape or incest. These are both valid reasons where as the roughly 97% of abortions performed in the United States are done for invalid reasons and are noted to be for social or economic reasons. There are many ways to prevent pregnancy from birth control to abstinence, which are better for everyone concerned. Murdering a child is not a valid method of birth control. It is a criminal act in my opinion. Women who do not want children can go get their tubes tied and men who do not want children can get a vasectomy. Then it is their body, but once you are pregnant is no longer just your body and your life, it is also the baby’s life and their body. To make it worse California, which is the armpit of America in my opinion, wants to make it legal to murder a baby up to 28 days after birth under the guise of abortion. Now you may not believe that a baby is baby until birth or after it is viable outside the womb and that is your opinion, which you are entitled to. I believe a baby is a baby from the moment of conception, but if abortion is going to legal in a state I do not think it should be performed after the first trimester except in extreme cases. I also know from my research that medical reasons for abortions are very few due to all the medical advances we have made that allow women to carry to full term instead of miscarrying or dying due to medical issues such as gestational diabetes, or many birth defects that can be dealt with fetal operations. All of these arguments which the leftist will use to try and push for abortions through delivery have been resolved and are not valid in my opinion.
I know that others will not agree with me and that is fine because I am entitled to free speech by The United States Constitution. People do not have to agree with me and that is one of the great things about our country, we are each allowed to our own opinions and they do not have to be the same as others.