The Time Has Come to Return America to America and Reining In Our Out of Control Government
I honestly think as a country it is time to vote every single person in DC out and start over with a clean slate, and vote in real average Americans, not people on the extreme ends. We also need term limits and in some ways would be better off it we had an election every year for a short term government and had a flat 10 or 15% tax that allowed for no exemptions and no loopholes to cover the essential government expenses you make a $1.00 you pay a $0.10 and everyone pays their fair share.
We should get rid of welfare as it is now and make it a work education program requiring work hours and drug testing. We should also get rid of the IRS, government involvement in healthcare and education, and outlaw lobbyist. We could have a small financial department to collect taxes and pay our military for defense. No salary or retirement for those who are elected to represent us, just a small stipend to cover the cost of travel (economy) and house them in barracks with a chow hall for six months of service to the country.
I think mandatory military service of two years for every high school student after graduation would be beneficial and they would receive one year of college tuition and fees for every 2 years served up to 8 years. They would have to cover their living expenses. It would help kids today to learn to respect our country and our flag and teach them they are not entitled to anything as well as making them all equal, because everyone of them would go in as an E-1 and have to earn their rank.
I also think that welfare should be in the form of coupons for rent and specific food items, clothing, not money or debit cards. They would have a list of basic healthy foods to choose from for their family (bread, milk, vegetables, meat, and such) and there should be a maximum limit of two children that you would receive benefits for, none of this have more kids to get more money from the government that actually comes out the pockets of hard working Americans. I know there are those who do exactly that as I listened to an interview with a woman whose daughter was aging out a couple years ago and she said two things that stand out in my mind. First, she told her daughter she better get pregnant and have a kid so she could get some of the government money. Secondly, she said she needed to get pregnant and have another kid so she would not lose any of her government money. Both of these are wrong on so many levels.
It is time to stop this so-called “Free Money.” There is no free money. It is stolen from the pockets of those who are hard working Americans by the government so that others can have a free ride.
I am sick of paying for people who will not get off their butts and do their part but think they are entitled to things just because they think the government should support them.
We also need to close our borders and take care of our own, our veterans, our seniors and our children. Rather than give money to idiots who took out more loans for education than they have brains because they got useless degrees in “Women’s Studies or Philosophy” and such that will not get them a job. We should use that money to pay for chemo for those who have cancer or for medication for the elderly, and those who have type 1 Diabetes and to take care of our seniors' medication and cover their medical so they are not forced to pay for medicare. If a person has earned a retirement that includes medical care they should be allowed to keep that and not be forced to go on medicare.
We also need to let farmers farm without the use of poisonous GMO seeds and poisonous fertilizers that are leading to health problems. If Europe has banned things then we need to ban them as well. Read this article for more information.
It is time to eliminate the Windfall Elimination tax and tell people if they pay social security they get the money they paid into social security.
It is also time to repeal concurrent receipt with regard to military pay and medical disability. This program screws over our military veterans who served their country and earned their retirement but were disabled due to their service. They should be allowed to collect both and leave their retirement benefits to their survivors.
Lastly, we need to stop sending money we do not have to countries overseas. We need to protect our own borders and take care of America and Americans. We need to strengthen our power grid and supply our own oil instead of wasting millions of dollars on foreign oil from countries that would rather see us all dead or enslaved.
We need to wall in cities like Chicago and let the gangs kill each other off or send in massive police raids to round up and imprison the gang bangers and murders who are shooting up the city and killing off innocent children. If any guns need to be confiscated it is the guns that belong to those criminals. We do not gun bans, we need to enforce the gun laws we currently have and go back to the 10 Commandments. Five of which say to honor your mother and father, not to kill or bear false witness against your neighbors, not to steal, and not to covet your neighbor's house, which I think everyone can agree on even if they do not believe in God. Follow the golden rule and treat others as you want to be treated.
Our society has gone to hell in a handbasket and right is wrong and wrong is right and that needs to change.
We need to stop feeding into people’s delusions and bring sanity back into play. We need to provide care for the mentally in hospitals not allow them to roam the streets and we should not be wasting money on illegals who as the word illegal is defined by Webster’s Dictionary, “a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence.” They are criminals who broke the law by entering our country with going through proper channels. It is time to take care of America's first. We need to bring values and morals back into our everyday life and teach our children how to be respectful and to follow the law.
I personally think we also need to put God back in our homes and schools as well, but that is for another discussion.
Our government is out of control and it is time to take it back. We need to cut government spending and reduce the size of our government. We need to elect sane people who are real everyday Americans, not people who are out of touch with the people.