Friday, September 23, 2022

The Moronic Delusions Have Invaded the Military

Have you read this insane article

This is total crap. I am my son’s mother, not his caregiver. I am a parent but first and foremost I am a MOTHER!  These people need to get over themselves. Every child has a mother, be it the one who raised them or their birth mother. Men CANNOT have babies they do not have the genetic make up required to to carry and birth a child.  If you want to say you are a boy that is fine, but do not expect me to buy into your delusion. 

I am a real woman. These looney tunes need to get over themselves and stop trying to change facts into lies. A woman is  a person with a certain combination of sex characteristics, commonly including two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei, a vagina, a uterus and ovaries, and enlarged breasts developed at puberty.  1 million years from now if your bones are found your DNA will show that you are a woman or you are a man, not your delusion.

My son is a man which means he has an X and a Y chromosome. He has a GIRLFRIEND not a partner, but a real woman with two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei, a vagina, a uterus and ovaries,etc… She like most women can give birth to a child, men cannot.  I refuse to buy into the looney leftist delusion that they are trying to cram down our throats. 

I do not care what name you want to be called, that I can do, but that does not make you a male or a female.  I also am not going to call you they, them, their,see, ze, zem, or zer, or any other imaginary pronoun that you make up. If you are a male you are a her or him. If you are a female you are a she or her, end of story. My answer is I DO NOT DO PRONOUNS!!!!  These delusional people need some serious mental health, not to have their delusions fed and supported by society.

It Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to Pay Off Your College Loan

  There is a key point that the leftist are totally missing in their, asinine argument, saying that the government should pay off student lo...