Genesis 5:2 NLV
“ He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them “human“.”
Some idiot at a university in Tennessee says we need to change thinking and discussion in families, “so that heterosexuality is no longer held as the norm against which other sexualities are compared.”1 What a bunch of garbage. Heterosexuality is that norm and all the others are abnormal. What is wrong with society saying that wrong is right and right is wrong? This is so totally wrong.
“The prejudice against normal, healthy, sexuality and gender expression can be seen in the growth of, essentially, new vocabulary.” 1 This so-called new vocabulary is indoctrination and brainwashing of normal moral people to believe and follow Satan on his destructive path to destroy our country and the world and it must be stopped.
This outlandish terms including heteronormative, which is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “of relating to, or based on the attitude that heterosexuality is the only normal and natural expression of sexuality.”1 Says that it is wrong to say that heterosexuality is normal and is an attack on the deviant sexual abhorrence. I firmly believe it is right to attack deviant sexual abhorrences because they are wrong. They go against God and what the Bible says is right and moral. This invasion of our society by Satan and his attacks on God and God’s people is an abhorrence and must be stopped.
This article goes on to state that what they call “heteronormative thinking” is not “right thinking” and that if you believe that sex between a man and a woman is normal and all other acts are not then you are “guilty of heterosexism.”
The article continues by stating that “if you are a man or a woman who,…considers yourself the same gender you were declared at your birth,…you must be a cisgender man or cisgender woman, to distinguish you from a transgender man or transgender woman.”1 If you say that it is not necessary to call yourself cisgender then you are now “engaging in cisgenderism.” And if you think it is natural or normal to think you are a man in a male body or a woman in a female body you are “practicing cisnormativity.”1 After all according to these delusional people believe that it is not normal for there to be any relationship between sex and gender or family structure.
The goal of these delusional satanist, as I think of them, is to queer our society completely and to make what is normal abnormal and what is abnormal normal. This fits in with what the Bible says in Isaiah 5:20 NIV “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Rev. Brian Loiselle said in his article entitled “When Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right” article from the October 8, 2005 article in The Sun “We live at a time when men call right, wrong and wrong, right. At a time when evil is called good and good is called evil. Jesus spoke of time just like these in Matthew, chapter 24. The apostle Paul wrote of these times in II Timothy, chapter 3.” 2
The article in Tomorrow’s World goes on to explain that, “believing that family is best grounded in a marriage between a man and a woman, that sex between that man and that woman represent normal and natural sexuality and that it actually is possible in virtually all cases to identify a child’s gender at birth is to align oneself with the likes of fascists such as Mussolini or Hitler or the bigots of the Ku Klux Klan. Pre-assuming someone’s gender based on their appearance is labeled an act of ignorance at best and violence at worst.”3 In my mind this is so beyond normalcy that it leads me to believe that those who think this belong in a locked ward at a mental facility.
These delusional menaces are targeting our children and brainwashing them. They are using the public school system to indoctrinate them and believe me I have seen it first hand. I cannot believe that the school districts are hiring delusional, psychotic people to teach our young. The idea of morals and values has been suppressed and the evil of Satan has been embraced and is destroying the future of our country and our world.
We need to protect our children of all ages from these delusional predators. They have invaded preschools as well and are training our children to think they are what they are not. Boys are boys and have penises, and girls are girls and have vaginas, end of story. If you think otherwise you are in need of serious mental help. God decides before you are born what you are and that is denoted by your physical body makeup.
You cannot change your DNA and 1,000 years from now if your bones are dug up and tested they will show that you are male or female just as the doctor called it when you came out of your mother’s womb. If you want to prance around and pretend you are what you are not, that is your delusion and I am not buying it. I should not be expected to accept what is a fallacy or your delusion as fact. I think it is ridiculous that a man is prancing around in Washington D.C. in a female navy uniform saying he is a woman when in fact he is a man. It is pure and simple science and since the looney leftist are so into science all they have to do is to look in their pants to see that they are male or female and have destructive, disfiguring surgery that does not change the facts.
To quote the article in Tomorrow’s World one last time, “The goal is not mere “acceptance,” and it never was. It is to program children to forget what is normal and embrace a world with no gender or sexual boundaries.” “The opening passage of Genesis details a world in chaos: “The earth was without form, and void”(Genesis 1:2) A world- “without form”-without guiding distinctions, shapes, and ideals,-is exactly the sort of society today’s social engineers seek to create.”4
There are significant differences between men and women and amount of physical manipulation and disfigurement can change that. Even hormone therapy cannot fully change it. It can only cause physical and mental issues later in life and the majority of those I have read about who allowed other to disfigure their bodies have realized later in life that it was a horrific mistake and they have sought to rectify the problem but cannot return to who they were because it has caused such horrendous physical harm to them and lead to serious mental health issues and often suicide.
Those who are pushing this evil are causing more problems and social issues than children of this young age need. Just because someone is a tomboy does not mean they want to be a boy not a girl. Childhood is an age of exploration and play and we need to leave these children alone and let them explore their world, not pressure them into believing the lies of Satan.
1 Tomorrow’s World January 2023, page 18.
2 When Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right, The Sun, October 8, 2005
3 Tomorrow’s World, January 2023, page 19.
4 Tomorrows’s World,January 2023, page 20.