Wednesday, March 1, 2023

It Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to Pay Off Your College Loan

 There is a key point that the leftist are totally missing in their, asinine argument, saying that the government should pay off student loans. 

That KeyPoint is the government is not paying it off. It’s going to go on the back of taxpayers who work their butts off to be able to pay for their own college degrees and pay them off or pay for  trade schools. The people who are struggling currently to pay their bills, because the government is messing with society by unjustly inflating inflation when they should be bringing it down and wasting money by sending money, we don’t have to countries that hate us instead of taking care of the American people and supporting our veterans, and making sure that we have food to feed our people, instead the government wants to push their false agenda that everybody hates everybody based on their race and feed the heat and the anti-American agenda that they have plotted as a way to destroy America.

Americans who have worked hard their entire lives to support themselves and their families and now they’re going to get  saddled with the death of a generation that if you’re not going to get a college degree that’s worth something that you can actually use and get a job with then why did you go to college in the first place? And why should I have to pay that bill.

In my opinion, this whole idea is criminal. It punishes all of the American people and does nothing but teach these little leftist shits that if they pitch a big enough fit, they get their way and that’s something they should’ve learned when they were two years old doesn’t work. These people are acting like two--year-olds having a tantrum because they don’t want to pay their bills. They don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions. That is a huge problem and I placed that responsibility back on the parents to raise them, or better yet didn’t raise them Instead said oh I am your friend and punishment is bad and you can have anything you want sweetheart no matter how you act. Because no one should tell you know it’s wrong. It’ll hurt your feelings. This is the kind of trash we get because we Leta everyone gets a trophy. Leftist push their agenda. It’s time to bring discipline back into schools and homes and teach people that the only way you succeed in life is if you work hard.

If you take out a loan to go to school, it’s your responsibility to pay it off. I paid off my bills, my youngest son paid for his college education and his masters degree by working all through college taking a semester off to work, joining the National Guard to help pay for school and serve his country proudly.

All these people want is a free ride they feel they are entitled to something that they’re not entitled to at all. If you want a college degree, then you need to work for it and that means paying your own bills. I stand very strongly on the side of This is a crime against humanity and against the American people. And saying that this is a Republican or a Democrat issue is wrong because it’s not it’s an issue of what is right and what is wrong what is fair. 

If you signed the document and said that you would pay back your loan then that’s your responsibility, not mine or anyone else’s.

No one said you had to go to a expensive fancy college, you know you don’t just need to go to Harvard or Yale. You can get the same quality of education at a local college. There are community colleges, trade schools, apprenticeships, etc…that are way less expensive. It will still give you a good education.

I very strongly believe that the Supreme Court needs to find in favor of the American people as a whole and stop the insanity that the current administration is pushing to buy people by excusing their responsibility for paying off their college loans. It’s all part of their let’s brainwash people so they can control us agenda. It is all about control! People WAKE UP!!

We must stand for what is right and protect our country for future generations. It is time to stop this leftist insanity and their deadly agenda.

There is Only One National Anthem!!!

"I will not stand for any other national anthem but our National Anthem, so I'm with Kari Lake," Burgess added. "I will not be part of dividing our country between Blacks and Whites. I will not do that. 

She is 100%correct. There is only one National Anthem. There is a hymn that one group of people think is important to them, but it is not a National Anthem, it is that groups anthem or song. It is wrong to push this on others and to say we must stand for a song that represents them. It is not like standing for the National Anthem of a country, it is a choice they are making and it is wrong to play a song and say everyone should stand. It is a very divisive action and is being pushed by the leftist agenda to divide our country because they want to control us and we must stand for what we believe in and stand our ground to save our country and what it stands for.

It Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to Pay Off Your College Loan

  There is a key point that the leftist are totally missing in their, asinine argument, saying that the government should pay off student lo...