Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Women's Health Issue

It is that time of year again, when I get my yearly mammogram.  While reviewing and reading blogs this week I came across the link I have included here.  I have dense breast tissue so this is important to me and I gives me more questions to ask my doctor.  I do not know the density of my breasts, but plan to ask my doctor on my next visit.  I strongly suggest that you look into finding out where you fall on the density scale.  I am passing this video on because it touched a nerve with me and I hope that it touches one with you.  All women need to be on the lookout for changes in their breasts and to have their yearly mammograms.  Please take the time to watch this video and remember to call and schedule your yearly mammogram.

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It Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to Pay Off Your College Loan

  There is a key point that the leftist are totally missing in their, asinine argument, saying that the government should pay off student lo...