Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reflections on Imagination

Today Bonnie Hunter posted an interesting blog that got me to thinking.
You can read her post here:

I found this through Google images.
She talks about the lack of imagination and play time, real old fashioned play time that kids today have.  Not time on the computer, or organized sports, but the kind we had as kids where we built tents out of blankets and forts out of snow and imagined a whole new world.  You were the princess in the castle with the knight on a white stallion who defeated the dragon, or you were the knight who was fighting the dragon.  Your world was anything you imagined it to be, not the world that some computer geek dreamed up and programed into a computer game for you to play.
Bonnie's comments got me thinking about the changes in my students over the last almost thirty years of teaching and how assignments that allowed students to use their imaginations and write stories or draw their own Greek city-state started out as some of the best loved and most wonderful pieces the students turned in. Yet towards the end of my teaching career became long drawn out battles because they did not know what to write, or wanted me to tell them what to put where in their city-state.  They could not picture it in their minds, or what they pictured came straight out of a video game.  They did not enjoy the process of closing their eyes and imagining what the world could be. It was all computer generated.
"What you want me to draw and color? Can't I just cut and paste pictures from the internet?" Were typical responses from students when asked to do these things.
Found on Wikipedia
I can remember back about ten years ago when we were doing a fairy tale unit, as part of the unit I showed students the movie "The 10th Kingdom" and then asked them to write their own fairy tales. Those students turned in wonderful stories, stories that I would never have though some of them had in them.  You are talking kids who had reading and writing disabilities and I was often lucky to get five sentences, writing five page stories full of details of what they saw in their mind. Fast forward to today and they do not even know what a fair tale is in some cases.
 Found this on Wikipedia
Found on Wikipedia
I put the fault with some parents, they do not read to their children, they over schedule them and plunk them down in front of the computer or television. Bonnie is right games we played, or even that our kids played are no longer played on the street. Today a relative posted a comment on Facebook about doing something
Old School."  She said she was playing Nintendo.  When I think "Old School" I think of hula hooping, kick the can, or board games like Monopoly and Twister.  I guess that is why they call it a generation gap.

Kids today do not have the time to just be kids, and are not encouraged to develop their LEGO®imaginations. They are not read to, reading is a wonderful way to spark a child's imagination, as are LEGOs, crayons, and other toys that foster a child's ability to be creative and to make up things. It is sad to see how backward in someway we are heading because of all the advances that we have, which are really simply way to stifle creativity and imagination.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snowy and Cold in Alaska

I have friends in other areas of the country who are wishing for snow. Now many of you may know that Alaska is making national news with all the snow in Cordova, over 18 feet of snow so far this season. Valdez has even more at about 27 feet or something close to that. They have the National Guard down in Cordova digging people out and clearing roofs to prevent cave ins.

Anchorage got about 14 inches Thursday and it is was still snowing at the time. Tom dug me a path to my car and cleaned it off before he left for work at 6:30 AM and when I went out at about 2:00 PM the snow was almost up to my knees. My car was buried and it took a while to clear it off.  Visibility was not too good and I almost turned around and went home, but I wanted my massage at the chiropractor.  I drove slow and careful.
When Tom came home he spent two hours shoveling out the driveway and the sidewalk so we could walk without having to wade through snow.
Somewhere in my back yard there is a fence. You can just see the edge of it on the left had side. See that tiny line of brown in the snow through the raspberry bush branches.
 We are near record breaking here in Anchorage for the season with the snow, and possibly with the cold temperatures.  Today the high at my house was -5.6 and it was -16 when I got up around 9:00 this morning.  Talk about cold, that is darn cold. It has been colder here, but the cold seems to be coming more often and staying longer this year and I am done with it. I told Tom today it was time to move to some place warm like Arizona.
I am grateful for one thing, the days are getting lighter earlier, so the darkness is fading away which makes the days much nicer. At least the sunshine gives the appearance of warmth.

Here is a picture of one of our "friendly" moose who visited the neighborhood in November.
Moose visit my street often during the winter months, and this day I happened to have the camera handy. The main rule to remember is do not try to pet them, and stay out of their way.  I stood on my porch and took this picture with my husbands camera using one of his long range lenses.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Insurance (Rant)

I find it very interesting that my retiree insurance prefers to pay for diagnostic testing and cover illness rather than pay for preventative therapy. They cover twenty chiropractic/massage therapy visits a year end of story. Chiropractic has been proven to help keep you healthy, but my insurance would rather pay for when I am sick, than pay for keeping me healthy.
They pay for tests that my cardiologist runs to make sure my heart is functioning properly, x-rays to diagnose arthritis, medication, and the like, but not things that are designed to help keep me healthy and functioning.
I find if funny that it is cheaper for me to be sick than it is to be healthy, at least when it comes to what I have to pay out of my own pocket.
Insurance wants us to have to pay higher rates because they want to pay more, rather than pay to keep us healthy and thus not need to have them pay as much, so then our rates would not need to be increased.
It is interesting that they will pay more for one little pill, than they will pay for preventative medicine. I know that some medications cost upwards of $400 a pill, or a day and people have to take them several times a day or at least daily. Yet a chiropractic visit and or massage is only a couple hundred dollars a week, if you go once a week. It is less if you go twice a month.
Greed seems to keep insurance and doctors going. I mean have you ever really looked at what you pay for your 15 minutes with the doctor? Heaven forbid if that doctor is a specialist. The cost of those 15 minutes is more than some people make in a week, depending on their hourly rate. If they have insurance they usually only have to pay 20%, but that is still a days pay. It is ridiculous what medicare costs today.
I am sure that most medications cost less than a quarter of the price they charge make, maybe even an eighth, and yet they gouge the consumer.  I don't know what we can do as patients, citizens, people who need the medication to survive, but we need to find a way to reduce the cost of medical care for everyone. I don't mean socialized medicine, but there has to be a way to bring this country back to its roots and make sure everyone can afford medical care without having to mortgage their homes. 
If some one gets seriously ill their family can end up on the streets, just trying to pay their deductible to cover the cost of medicare with the high cost of some insurance premiums and the minimum care they cover.
I know I am on my soap box, but I really have an issue with the fact that insurance does not cover things that can help keep people healthy. Preventative medicine should be covered at 100%, then maybe more people would be willing to try to prevent illness and thus save themselves money in the long run.  

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Word of the Year

I am participating in Quinn McDonald's 30 Day Creativity Practice and Pat Sloan's challenge to pick a word for the year to focus on.  My word for 2012 is    


Lake in Ireland
I plan to celebrate everyday.. It does not have to be a large celebration or even a major event. I can celebrate that I exercised, or finished a block for a quilt, or even that I just got out of bed that day. It is the fact that I will be focused on the positive each day.  Looking at the bright side of things, and not the negative. If you want to join in go to either Quinn McDonald's or Pat Sloan's blog  I also found another blogger who believes in picking a word for the year Ali Edwards  at and I am thinking of joining her class, One Little Word.  To quote Ali:
"Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2012? It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought, or a feeling, or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother's word or your spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR word.
One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here's one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren't ready for it yet.
Again, be open to the possibilities."

To Read more about my goals for 2012 click on this link to my other blog.

Good-Bye 2011

On this last day of 2011 I want to take a few moments to reflect back on this last year and all that has transpired.  Though I do not have all the pictures I wanted to include added as of yet, I thought I would post this and then come back to add the photos, in the next couple of days.
2011 has been a year full of change and adventure. I returned to work the beginning of December 2010 and turned in my retirement papers the end of January.  May 21st was my last day of work and on July 1st I was officially retired.  No more special education paperwork, or meetings that last for hours. I still love the kids, but am done with all the red tape and politics. 
I am enjoying subbing this fall and having fun with the students.  I primarily sub at the same middle school Tom teaches at, so we carpool to work. I love being able to pick and choose when I work and having time to cook, workout, quilt, read, blog and journal.
Tom and I are enjoying the fruits of my cooking from scratch, which is a good thing because Tom was told he is pre-diabetic and has to watch his diet.  We’ve given up the majority of processed carbs and many other carbs, though we enjoy a treat now and then. We have been experimenting with new recipes that are lower carb and have found some really good ones. 
I am doing well now that my heart is fixed and Tom has lost 30 pounds counting carbs and walking daily.  I personally think he is a little crazy as he walks even when it is -16° outside.
Joel is living in Anchorage and working at a local vet clinic.
Bryce joined the Army Guard in August and left for Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri in September. He finished boot camp in November and started AIT. He will be a military police officer when he is done in February. He comes home for 12 days for Christmas.  The Guard will pay for college, so he can continue working on his degree. He wants to he a high school art teacher. We miss him and are looking forward to his coming home for Christmas.
In April I went head over heels on Tom’s bike and broke my right arm at the elbow. No cast, as they didn’t want it to get stiff. It was a fun experience that I don’t want to repeat and like my heart surgery, it was not on my bucket list.

Traffic between LAX and the train station.
Outside the LA train station. This fountain is beautiful.
Me relaxing on the train it NY.
Tom working on flight reservations while the Amtrak customer service rep, is trying to reroute us out of LA, without messing up our entire trip.

Tom and I had two wonderful trips this year.  This summer we flew to Seattle for a few days and then because of flooding and mud slides canceling the northern Amtrak route, we flew to LA to catch the train to Chicago on our way to Rochester, NY.  We are very grateful to our wonderful friends Michelle and Beau for running us to the train station and then to the airport. It was insane that we had to fly down to LA so as not to mess up our entire trip.  We were also rerouted due to the fires in the southwest states.  
JImmy with Tom

We had a nice time in Rochester visiting Tom’s family.  The weather was great and we seemed to be just a head of the heat wave.  Shhh! Don't tell I put their pictures up.  The only one of his sibling I missed was Judi, and I don't know why I did not get her picture.  I think she hid from the camera.  I also missed getting a picture of the one other niece that we saw. The other niece and nephew live out of town.

And of course our niece and nephew, Amy's kids.

From there we headed to Washington, D.C., where we had an awesome time. We walked about ten miles a day, went to almost all the memorials, and many other places. My favorite was the Holocaust Museum. It was emotional, but very informative and well done. We definitely need to return, as there is so much to see.

After D.C. we headed to New Orleans for a couple of days. It was an experience. The food was delicious, and the people were very interesting. We rode the trolley, walked along the Mississippi River, and wandered all through the French Quarter, it was a wonderful experience.

From there we headed up to Memphis where Mom and Jim picked us up. We spent a week with them and had a nice visit, which included a trip into Nashville to the Grand Ole Opry. Tom had never been. The music and the show were great.  It was great to see Mom and Jim and was a relaxing visit. We spent the day in Memphis, wandering around Beale Street and riding the trolley before catching the train to Chicago.
Mom and Jim
Mom and I
Mom and I
Mom and Jim

Tom and I at the Irish family farm.
We had several hours in Chicago and went the Art Institute before catching the train to Grand Rapids, Michigan to visit my mom’s family. The Institute is worth a visit if you are in Chicago.  We had fun with my Aunt Sue and a good visit with many relatives that included stops at the farm that has been in the family for over 150 years and several cemeteries where my ancestors are buried. We also had a fun family dinner. I enjoyed getting to see Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. It has been a long time since we were in Michigan.

Darla, Tammie, Wanda, and Jodi

Nita and Ann

Hunter and Dayna
Aunt Sally and Uncle Gene

Sharon and I. Aunt Linda and Aunt Sue with me. Grandma.  Tom with Aunt Sue


 After Grand Rapids we headed off to the Grand Canyon. The canyon is a gift from God. We enjoyed hiking along the rim and down a few trails. It was peaceful, and relaxing and I can’t wait to go back. The sunsets and sunrises are breathtaking, as is the view of the canyon no matter where you are along the rim. It is beyond words to describe and if you have never been I highly recommend that you go.  We plan to return in the future.

We road the train back to LA and up the coast to Seattle where we spent a few days before returning home. We had a great time on the train and the sleeper cars are great.

In August Tom headed back to school and I began to really enjoy my retirement.

Bryant Park, NYC
In October we flew to NYC to meet up with my mom and Jim for our trip to Ireland, but first we had an awesome day in NYC. We rode the subway, walked down Broadway, visited Bryant Park, went to the top of the Empire State Building, and last but not least visited Time Square.  It was a wonderful day.

The next day we met up with Mom and Jim at the airport and headed to Ireland.  The trip was incredible. We were in Dublin, Galway, Kilkenny, Donegal, and more towns and villages than I can remember.

Neolithic Tomb
We visited Trinity College, the Guinness Storehouse, and walked along the Dodder River in Dublin.  We visited a 6th century monastery, a round tower, and spent an evening at an Irish pub listening to traditional Irish music and watching Irish dancers, Tom loved the Irish coffee and Guinness.  I loved that they had hot tea everywhere with cream and sugar.  We toured a Neolithic tomb, which was over 5,000 years old. It was awesome. We got to go inside one and it is lined up so that on the winter solstice the sunlight comes in the window over the entrance and lights up the entire thing. It is the only time it is lit by natural light, all the way through to the center.

Slieve League Cliff
We moved on to Donegal where we visited the Slieve League Cliffs, which reminded Tom and I of Adak.  It was beautiful. They are the highest cliffs in Europe and they drop down 19,722 feet to the Atlantic Ocean.  The waves were crashing against the cliffs.  We were served Irish tea and scones after our visit to the cliffs and they were delicious.

We visited Triona Designs where we watched then weave Donegal tweed wool cloth. They told us they are down to 70 weavers from 700. It is sad that old traditions and trades are dying out. The cloth is beautiful. I enjoyed watching the weaver and seeing samples of some of the different cloths they weave. Tom and I got Claddagh rings as an early 30th wedding anniversary gift.  They are beautiful. We also bought some things made from the Donegal tweed.

We toured the Belleek Pottery Factory, in Northern Ireland, and saw the how the pieces were molded and decorated.  No piece leaves their factory unless it is perfect and I got to break a piece with a tiny imperfection, which was still beautiful. We saw how they make the tiny flowers that are on some pieces, the woven baskets, and watched artists painting pieces, and inspecting them, as well as watching them load a kiln. They have some beautiful pieces.  A few people were painting bunny baskets that will be on QVC for Easter.

We visited the Museum on Country Life, which was fascinating. Some things we saw reminded me of things that were on the family farm in Michigan.  There were antique farm tools, furniture made of grass or hay, information on the great famine, and art work depicting life on the farms.

From there we headed to Galway.  We took a catamaran cruise in Kilkenny Harbor, which reminded us of Alaska, the views were green with stone fences and sheep on the hillsides. It was a nice relaxing cruise.

The next stop was Kylemore Abbey, which was beautiful. The Abbey is located on Kylemore Lake and is still used today. It was very peaceful and the area is gorgeous.

We watched a demonstration at the Connemara Celtic Crystal Factory.  The master carver cut a bowl while we watched. The master carvers are required to have art degrees, and then must apprentice on clear crystal for five years before they can carve the colored crystal.  The crystal is beautiful and of course I bought a couple of pieces.

We also toured the Connemara Marble Factory where they have some beautiful marble, in a variety of colors.  It was interesting to learn that marble came in so many colors and they had some with shells imbedded in the marble, as well as fossils.

We visited the Cliffs of Moher, which were beautiful and again reminded us of Adak. It was very wet and windy that day, but we loved it and walked up the path along the cliffs to look and take pictures.

The Flying Boat Museum was also very interesting.  In the 1930s and 40s Pan Am Clippers flew between Foynes Ireland and the U.S. with a stop over in Ireland. They were huge flying boats with seats that made into double decker beds like on the trains and a 14 seat dinning room. They could hold 28 passengers and even had a honeymoon suite.  While there, they did a demonstration on how to make an Irish coffee and Tom was picked to be the one to make one.  He enjoyed that and keeps the ingredients on hand at home to make them.

We drove through the Ring of Kerry with its awesome views.  We watched a sheepdog heard sheep and visited the Skellig Experience Museum.  The Skellig’s are rocky islands were monks built homes of rocks that look like beehives and they lived there for a four or five hundred years. They build steps up the rocky peaks on the islands. They also dug out holes in the rocks to catch water.  They islands are very isolated and desolate.  They look like giant rocks jutting out of the water, no soil or plants that you could see.  They are dangerous and hard to reach because of the weather, waves, and rocky coasts.  People can wait days to get a chance to go out to the islands, and then have to be very careful as they are dangerous, especially on wet days as the rock steps can be very slippery.  I wish we could have gone out to the islands.

We visited a Woolen Mill where we bought some beautiful sweaters. We stopped at the Rock of Cashel where 12th century church ruins are open to the public. It is where the last King of Ireland, the King of Munster, converted to Christianity. The views were beautiful as were the ruins.  The old cathedral is huge and stands tall on the hill. They are doing some restoration work to preserve it, though many things including frescos in a small chapel have been lost over the years.

We ended our time in Ireland back in Dublin where we spent the night at the Clontarf Castle Hotel. The castle is from 1172 and has modern additions for guest rooms, but parts of the old castle are still used.  The lobby is from the castle and has high stonewalls with a huge fireplace, and a small alcove hidden behind it. The ladies room near the dinning room has a fireplace in one stall. There are centuries old tapestries hung on the walls. It was an incredible experience. 

I am so glad we got to go and thank my Mom and Jim for taking us. It was a wonderful trip and I hope that we can go again sometime. The food was good, natural tender beef, lamb, Irish coffee, scones, Irish soda bread.  We did not have a bad meal though I did not try the blood pudding. Mom, Jim and Tom did and they said it was something they could do without.

We had a quiet Thanksgiving.   We have a quiet, relaxing Christmas and I enjoyed spending the day with my youngest son.

I am flying to Missouri in February for Bryce’s graduation from boot camp and AIT and have planned to spend a few days with my cousin who lives near there as well.

We are planning to stay at home and relax next summer, and ride our tandem bike while enjoying the Alaskan Summer.

I have gotten off track with my blogs and have decided that in 2012 what I need to do is set up one day a week to devote to my blogs, so I can stay up on them. 

It Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to Pay Off Your College Loan

  There is a key point that the leftist are totally missing in their, asinine argument, saying that the government should pay off student lo...