Friday, January 4, 2013

"I'm So Excited and I Just Can't Hide It!"

I decided today was the day and got on the Wii-Fit.  It told me it had been 108 days since I had last gotten on.  WOW!  I thought I am probably in real trouble after the holidays. I stepped on to weight myself and was pleasantly surprised.

I lost 7.1 lbs since the last time I was on! 

I have not been very good about exercising and I have not been eating really well either.  You know the holiday junk food of candy, pie, cheesecake, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and such that you do not eat the rest of the year. 

I am thrilled that I lost that weight and just to be good today I worked out for an hour. I did strength training with weights, yoga, aerobics, and some balance exercises just for good measure. 

One of my goals for this year is to exercise and another is to eat healthy.  I have been working on both, though actually today is only the second day I have exercised this year.  Two out of four ain't bad.  I did a short workout of about 15 minutes on the first because they say what ever you do on the first day of the new year you will do all year long and that is one of my goals.

Now, if I can keep this up all year I will hopefully loose more than the 7 lbs that I set as my new three month goal. 

If exercising or eating healthy is one or more of your goals this year let me know how we are doing, maybe we can encourage each other to keep at it.  Let me know what your plan is.

I am reading the book Younger Next Year written by Chris Crowley & Henry S. Lodge, M.D.  It was recommended to me by a friend and so far I like it.  They say there are three things you have to do to be younger.

First and most important is Excerise.  It is the biggest change for most people and the secret to good health. It is also the hardest for me.  They say your should exercise six days a week and to include strength training. You should lift weights, at least two of those day. Exercise is key.

Secondly, Nutrition is important.  It can help you get down to your true weight. They say to eat rationally, and to eat less of everything.

Lastly, Commitment is important. They say you have to care about something. They suggest setting goals, thinking about the people - like your family, causes, and hobbies that you care about. This can include your job.  It does not have to be something that is important to society, it has to be what is important to you.  Remember the people you care about are a reason to stay alive.  They need you.

Tom and I do eat healthy and we both have hobbies we are committed to as well as family and friends, but I know I need to work on the exercise part.  Tom exercises everyday to help keep his blood sugar down, since he is pre-diabetic.

I have also ordered the book: Younger Next Year for Women as this one is aimed more toward guys, but it works.  I plan to  encourage my husband to read this one after I am done.

Best wishes for healthy eating and exercising this year!  I will let you know what else I learn from my reading.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming 2013 with ZEN

"A whole new year stretches out before you ... What kind of footprints will you leave? ... gigantic leaps of faith. Or ... tiny steps of slow, steady progress ... You have imagination, intellect, and most importantly, a soul." 

- from Daily Wisdom for Women.


Today starts a new year and a new beginning, What do I hope to  accomplish or achieve during these 365 days?

"Nobody sees a flower, really, - it's so small - we haven't time, and to see takes time..."

- Georgeia OKeefe.

This year I want to take time to stop and see the flowers, to see the little things in life and enjoy them.

I have also decided it is time to focus on mind and body.  I chosen ZEN as my word for the year.  

ZEN is "1. ...a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind.  ZEN is a way of being. It is also a state of mind. ZEN involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts...
2. The closest translation for Zen is contemplation (Watts 22)...
3. Complete and absolute peace.

I also considered Creative Meditation or Creative Reflection, as well as Harmony for my word or phrase for the year, but picked ZEN as I think it incorporates them all.

My goals, not resolutions which are often broken, for 2013 include: 

  1.   Exercise
  2.   Meditation
  3.   Quilting
  4.   Reading
  5.   De-Cluttering
  6.   Making Improvements to our Home
  7.   Eating Healthy 
  8.   Journaling
  9.   Blogging

"Set a goal, write it down, and release the outcome. Small steps make a big difference."  

- C. Richardson

You will notice I left number 10 blank and that my goals are very broad, this makes it easier to meet them and harder to break them. It also gives me flexibility to add to them if I so choose, after today.

 I want to achieve my goals for the year and they are ones that can me long term and carry over into other years.  They are also not in any particular order. They are goals that I want to focus on this year, and each day will include some, but not others and it will vary from day-to-day. 

I am looking forward to what this new year brings and am welcoming it with open arms.  There are some I have heard express apprehension regarding the number 13, but I do not feel that. I feel excited to see what the new year will bring. 

I look forward to this new year and am hoping that you are anticipating the experiences it may bring as well.

Happy New Year to all! 

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