Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming 2013 with ZEN

"A whole new year stretches out before you ... What kind of footprints will you leave? ... gigantic leaps of faith. Or ... tiny steps of slow, steady progress ... You have imagination, intellect, and most importantly, a soul." 

- from Daily Wisdom for Women.


Today starts a new year and a new beginning, What do I hope to  accomplish or achieve during these 365 days?

"Nobody sees a flower, really, - it's so small - we haven't time, and to see takes time..."

- Georgeia OKeefe.

This year I want to take time to stop and see the flowers, to see the little things in life and enjoy them.

I have also decided it is time to focus on mind and body.  I chosen ZEN as my word for the year.  

ZEN is "1. ...a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind.  ZEN is a way of being. It is also a state of mind. ZEN involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts...
2. The closest translation for Zen is contemplation (Watts 22)...
3. Complete and absolute peace.

I also considered Creative Meditation or Creative Reflection, as well as Harmony for my word or phrase for the year, but picked ZEN as I think it incorporates them all.

My goals, not resolutions which are often broken, for 2013 include: 

  1.   Exercise
  2.   Meditation
  3.   Quilting
  4.   Reading
  5.   De-Cluttering
  6.   Making Improvements to our Home
  7.   Eating Healthy 
  8.   Journaling
  9.   Blogging

"Set a goal, write it down, and release the outcome. Small steps make a big difference."  

- C. Richardson

You will notice I left number 10 blank and that my goals are very broad, this makes it easier to meet them and harder to break them. It also gives me flexibility to add to them if I so choose, after today.

 I want to achieve my goals for the year and they are ones that can me long term and carry over into other years.  They are also not in any particular order. They are goals that I want to focus on this year, and each day will include some, but not others and it will vary from day-to-day. 

I am looking forward to what this new year brings and am welcoming it with open arms.  There are some I have heard express apprehension regarding the number 13, but I do not feel that. I feel excited to see what the new year will bring. 

I look forward to this new year and am hoping that you are anticipating the experiences it may bring as well.

Happy New Year to all! 

1 comment:

It Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to Pay Off Your College Loan

  There is a key point that the leftist are totally missing in their, asinine argument, saying that the government should pay off student lo...