This has been an interesting year to say the least. I has been surreal and I am sure if 2021 will be any better with pedophile Joe as president. I pray that God is working to save our country from the destruction that the democrats have planned for us.
President Trump did so much good for this country with all his work to break us free of the horrid things left in Ovomit’s wake and the ties to China. His goal of putting America first was a good one and we have escaped from many things that were suppressing our people and tying us to the global one world government hell that Ovomit tried to bury us under.
President Trump did many things that no other president has done. He brought peace treaties to Israel between them and middle eastern countries that have hated the Jewish people for centuries not once but at least four times.
President Trump stabilized our economy and out our country financially and our unemployment was lower that it has been in years. Covid, which was due to the Chinese and the democrats conspiring to destroy America put a few bumps in the road, but we are still better off than we were under Ovomit. Ovomit and Fauci funded the research that paid for the coronavirus, though others may disagree, my research shows it is true.
I pray our country can survive the next four years under demonic rule. May God have mercy on our country and protect us from Satan.
Americans need to wake up and come home to Jesus, he will protect us and guide us. Jesus is our savior.
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