Wednesday, January 25, 2023

My Latest Rant on the Crack Pots of Society

 Another mass shooting and the looney leftist go nuts crying, “BAN ALL GUNS!”  “GUNS ARE BAD!”


Guns are not bad, the people who use them incorrectly are bad. We need to stop feeding the mentally ill pablum and babying them and lock them up in mental institutions where they can get the help they need. They need a hardcore, knocked on their asses discipline and if that does not work they need to be locked up and given serious mental health along with all these delusional people who think they are what they are not. 

The problem is that society has gotten too lax and has let the lunatics run the asylum for far too long and they are all a bunch of bleeding heart liberals who get their panties in a twist and cry for their mommies while sucking their thumbs.

We need to enforce the laws we have, be tougher on criminals and confiscate the guns that are being sold illegally and shared among the gangs like the BLM and Antifa. They are the real criminals.  It is not the average man or woman on the street who carries a gun for protection that is the problem, it is the psychotic criminals and the mentally ill who are killing people. The average America likes to use their guns for target practice, hunting, and for protection. They are not the ones who are going out killing people. The ones who are shooting people like the incident in Monteray Bay are mentally ill. They are delusional, angry, and are in need of serious help, not the pat on the head, it’s okay garbage that is being pushed today. 

After reading that the gunman was 72 years old I wonder if this was the result of dementia or something similar as I do not see him as terrorist or a threat due to his age, but he could have had something wrong mentally that set him off and we may never know as he killed himself, which in itself is telling that he was not fully in control of his mental capacity as people who commit suicide are often mentally unbalance, serverely depressed, or seriously ill. I feel sad for those that lost loved ones and friends in this situation and I wish there was more we could do to prevent things like this from happening, but taking away innocent people’s guns and restricting their use is not the answer. This is again a case where there was a mental issue that was not caught and should have been in my opinion.

I mean I can look at my stepfather who has dementia and his siblings and children were in total denial when I told them. They accused me of lying and yet his doctor told me he had dementia and had for several years. It had progressively gotten worse, but he never even told my mother that he was diagnosed with it. He hid it for a long time until it got to the point where he could not hide it any longer due to his strokes and other issues. 

People need to learn the hard way that not everyone deserves a medal and not everyone wins. That is a big part of the problem today, we have taught kids that everyone wins and everyone gets a prize or a medal. Not true. Life is not fair and we do not always win. There are the haves and the have nots and if you are not willing to work for it then you are a have not. It is very simple. You are not owed anything by anyone and especially not the government. 

People like the leftist demons who are currently occupying the White House and who have the majority by a margin in the Senate are nuts and need to be in padded cells. We should not be giving away money to other countries, especially money we do not have. We need to take care of our own first, our veterans, our citizens, and we should be sending every criminal (illegal) who crosses the border back where they came from. They are not our problem. If they want to come here for help they need to come the legal way. I have no problem helping those who come here legally who truly are escaping from a bad situation, but the invaders need to be stopped. I think it is time we arm our border and shoot first and ask questions later.  What is happening and being allowed to happen by the demented old man in the White House and his looney leftist cronies is destroying America. It is way past time to round up all the illegals and kick them out of America. I do not care what age they are. We need to take care of the real Americans who are citizens first,

You may think that I am being mean but I see the deterioration of our society in our schools and the dumbing down of our education system. It is criminal and is hurting our children and our country. It is time to put up a wall and stop this invasion and to stop printing money like crazy when we have nothing to back it up so it is not work the paper it is printed on.  

At the rate we are going we will be in the toilet like Venezuela and not have a leg to stand on. I for one do not plan to starve because the government is destroying our country. We need to vote everyone of the bastards out of office and vote in those who are real AMericans that care about the people not a bunch of money grubbing politicians that are getting rich off the backs of the people and robbing us blind to support the lazy trash on welfare and the illegals who are invading our country.

I have no problem helping those that really need help, but why the hell did we give money to people on welfare who were already getting money for free from the government during the plandemic. It helped those who were out of work but those who were still working or who were on welfare still had their monthly allotment coming in and did not deserve or need to be given money by the government. One of the reasons so many people are still not working is that they are still getting free money from the government which is criminal.

Do you realize that many people on welfare make more than I do for my retirement pay that I worked 30 years for. That is utterly ridiculous.  They should not get near that much and it should be a work program where they have to do so many hours of community service to get anything and it should be int he form of rent coupons and specific food items not cash.  It is all a scam. There should also be a limit of two children per family and if you have more you have to figure it out. I know kids on welfare who have $300 shoes for crimanies sake. I cannot afford $300 shoes and could not afford them when I was working full time, in fact I think it is ridiculous to spend that much on a pair of shoes.

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