Monday, November 8, 2010

The Boy Who Dared

This book was on the list of books I read for the Teacher's Choice Awards last year. The author is Susan Campbell Bartoletti. It was one of many up for the award. I do not remember if it made the final cut or not, but in my opinion it should have been in first place. It was well written and easy to read, except that you needed tissues near by.

It is the story of a young man, Helmuth Guddat Hübener in Germany during Hitler's reign of terror. It is based on a true story. The boy is a German, and joins the Hitler Youth caught up in the glory of it all, at the start. On page 48 he says, "A savior is somebody who rescues someone or something from harm or danger,...That's what Hitler has done. He has rescued the Fatherland from poverty, unemployment, and inflation - just as he promised he would." He does not want to join because of his stepfather. His older brother is drafted into the army. He would not refuse to serve his country even though he was not a Nazi and did not believe in what he was going off to fight for. He left behind a short wave radio, which he told Helmuth not to use. It was locked in a closet. Helmuth did not listen, as is true of younger brothers and broke into the closet so he could get the radio.

Helmuth listened to the BBC and he begins to realize that people's rights are being denied, that the Jews are being threatened, and their livelihoods destroyed. Listening to the radio, he realizes that they are being lied to and that information is being censored. He realizes that the world is dangerous, at least in Germany. Ideas must agree with the party philosophy, because if they do not your life is in danger. "'Listening to foreign radio stations is forbidden,' continues the newscaster. 'Violations will be punished by imprisonment or death.'"(page 77)

It is in this world, this time that he comes to terms with many things. Friends can turn on you in a heartbeat, families will turn in family members to save them selves, and it is treasonous to speak out against Hitler. Helmuth takes a huge chance when he learns all this and decides to share what he knows with others. He enlists the help of two friends when he shares what he knows with them and begins a very dangerous mission to share what he learns on the BBC with others by writing up reports and passing them out in the night.
The book is written in novel form with flashbacks. It starts with Day 264 on Death Row in Plötzensee Prison, Berlin Germany, October 27, 1942. Helmuth was imprisoned for his crimes.

The first time he takes out the radio he knows it is a selfish act and that he is endangering his family, but he also knows that arresting people for their beliefs is wrong and on page 103 he says "Taking away our freedoms is a crime." It is his first step toward his execution. Listening to the radio he is shocked that the British are honest in announcing their losses. He writes a paper for school called “The War of the Plutocrats.” His teacher says it “suits the ideals of National Socialism…A plutocracy is a selfish government controlled by the wealthy, But National Socialism is a selfless government. A good Nazi works for the good of the Fatherland, not for self-interest and self-gain. A good Nazi is a good soldier for the Fatherland, one who can lead as well as follow.” (page 105) After class his teacher warns him that his idealism is dangerous and that he must be careful. Helmuth wants to tell him the truth, but is afraid instead he says, “I will go far. Just you wait and see. Someday you will hear something great about me." (page 107)

This is the story of a young man who not afraid to speak out, not afraid to speak the truth. I think it is an excellent book for use in the classroom and want to have my history students read it in the spring.

To find out the details of the story you need to read the book. It contains photos of the wall surrounding the prison, Helmuth, his family and friends. It also contains prints of a poster announcing his execution with the English translation, as well as Helmuth’s execution chamber. The horrors of Hitler extended beyond his horrendous treatment of the Jews. He executed children; Helmuth was 16 years old when he was executed. He was executed as an enemy of the state because he “fought for human rights, political freedom, and truth.” (page 167) Even worse was that his mother found out about his execution when she read about it in the newspaper, the following day and to add to that she was sent a bill for his execution, which included the cost of postage to mail it to her. Hitler's atrocities continue to be shown as we dig deeper and deeper into history.

How could such an evil man become a leader of so many? I pray history does not repeat itself.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

God got my attention

I am reading a book by Julia Cameron called The CreativeLife: True Tales of Inspiration
On page 200 she starts telling a story about her friend. Emma was baking a gingerbread house She dropped the pan when taking it from he oven. She has never dropped one before and was devastated. Julia took a piece to taste, but said it was too strong. Emma tasted it and grimaced. She had tried a different brand of molasses and it was not the same. Emma was relieved. She was proud of her baked goods and this one was not up to par. It was a good thing she dropped it. When this was relayed to a third friend, Jennifer said it was a mistake caught and corrected. Then she clarified that Emma had never dropped anything before in her baking and said, "Well, then-.... God wanted her attention."

Have you ever had God knock on your door trying to get your attention? Did you pay attention? I can tell you that I probably did not hear His tap at my door, but when he banged I most certainly id and now I am listening for His soft taps more closely than I was before.

God often knocks on our door and we do not listen. He tapped on mine several times, and I ignored him until he finally banged in the door. Now I am listening each day to see if he tapping on my door. I do not need him to knock in the door again. I am trying to pay attention and listen just in case he wants my attention each day. I pause and take the time to look around and enjoy life instead of rushing through each day trying to get as much done as I can in a short period of time. Sure, I may not accomplish as much as I could but I am listening to see if God wants my attention.

I have stepped back and re-examined some things and I am putting my priorities in order. Me comes first along with family work comes last. If does not get done at school it is not coming home with me. I do not care. I mean is it really necessary that teacher’s work 60 or 80-hour weeks to get special education paperwork done and grading. Some assignments can just be graded as completed. Not every paper needs to be edited and read 3 or more times to judge content, grammar, mechanics, etc...

After my close call with death, I realized that God was really trying to get my attention and I had better listen this time. I have been taking it easy, and enjoying life without all the stress and I have to tell you it is wonderful. So I have to give up some THINGS, there are more important things in life than THINGS. A nice dinner with my hubby, time with my son, the company of friends, a good book to read, a nap, a nice walk, and more. They are all worth living for and taking the time to enjoy instead of rushing around trying to get everything done and falling in to bed exhausted late at night. If it does not get done the world will not end. Life will go on, and we will all be better off in many ways because we took time to stop and smell the roses.

It is peaceful in the evening when you do not feel rushed. I have time to sew, time to read, play a game, and watch a TV show if I choose. I am not having to multi-task to get things done. I listened and I hope you will take the time to listen also, because you never know when god is knocking on your door and it is better to answer when he taps on the door than when he bangs.

Listen! God might be trying to get your attention.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Being Me

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss

In her book The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends, Ellen Miller says "...many women have difficulty revealing their true selves...that is until the woman hits her late fifties or early sixties. That's when I think women begin reading Dr. Seuss again." (page 299). "...some of the women....have adopted Dr. Seuss's philosophy. They are comfortable demonstrating...authenticity..." (page 299).

To often today we hide behind masks pretending to be what others expect us to be. I've come to realize that I need to be me and the hell with the rest of the world. I have suppressed my beliefs to please others and it causes me pain. I often keep quiet to avoid confrontation because my views differ from others. I've made myself over to be what others expect, but no more. I am letting the real me out of the bag and if you have a problem with that TOUGH!

I am tired of hiding me. I like bright colors, quiet reflection, meditation, and writing. I believe in the Bible and God is my savior. The Bible is our guide it is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. It gives us our rules and morals and we should follow them and tell Satan to stop knocking at the door because we are not answering. Our society has gone to the devil and he needs to take his followers and go back in the closet or down the rabbit hole, because he is not going to win. God is!

I know I have rambled off track, but that is why this blog is called Worm's Wanderings, because I wander.

Back to Dr. Seuss. I am done with hiding the real me and biting my tongue. If you don’t like what I have to say, then that is your problem, not mine. GO back in your closet or hole and stay there, because you are not going to ruin my day. I am going to be me.

Today I am going to dress for me and not for anyone else. If you think my skirt is too short my age, that is your issue not mine. If I want long hair or purple hair, or no hair that is my choice and I do not care what the rest of you think. I can walk down the street naked if I feel the urge and the only thing society can do is throw me in jail for indecent exposure. I still have the right do it until they catch me, not that I would, because that is not who I am.

I am a person who has her own opinions and feelings and you cannot tell me how to think or what to do. I believe in morals and values. If you mind you don't matter.

Today I am wearing leggings and a short dress and enjoying life because I am being me and those who love me don't mind.

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss

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