In the land of the free, home of the brave it is now considered hate speech to say put Americans first, to say we need to take care of American citizens and Veterans first and foremost, before we take care of others.
I feel we need to take care of our own before we take care of others. Just as a mother will take care to make sure her children are safe before helping someone else. The illegals who are trying to break into our country need to go through the appropriate legal channels to come here. We as a country cannot take on the world’s problems when we have our own that need to be dealt with. We do not have the money to take care of everyone else. Sneaking across our borders is a criminal act. We need to send those who come here illegally packing. We can give them the appropriate paperwork to apply legally to gain admittance to our country, but we cannot deal with being overrun by illegals financially, or infrastructure wise.
On Thursday I got a message on FB that my comment was considered hate speech and it was removed.
It all started with a comment I made on someone’s post. I did not attack any one, I defined the term illegal as it applies to immigrants who come to this country outside of the legally prescribed channels. This along with the fact that I believe we should take care of our citizens and veterans first was said by FB to be hate speech. This is not hate speech. It is simply my opinion, and not an attack on anyone. I seriously am at a loss as to how anyone could take what I said as hate speech.
I simply stated: American’s first, citizens not illegals. I explained that illegals are not immigrants in the true sense of the word. They are trying to come into our country illegally which means they are criminals because the word illegal means criminal.
According to the Mercian Webster Dictionary an illegal alien/immigrant noun
“Definition of illegal alien/immigrant
: a foreign person who is living in a country without having official permission to live there.
illegal adjective
il·le·gal | \ (ˌ)i(l)-ˈlē-gəl \
Definition of illegal (Entry 1 of 2)
: not according to or authorized by law : UNLAWFUL, ILLICIT
also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)
illegal noun
Definition of illegal (Entry 2 of 2)
sometimes disparaging + offensive
: a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry or residence
Synonyms & Antonyms for illegal
Synonyms: Adjective
criminal, felonious, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, unlawful, wrongful
Antonyms: Adjective
I took a picture of the above comment and inserted it on my own page along with the following comment, which interestingly enough was not deleted though it appears to have contributed to my being place in FB jail when I went to the help center trying to get some answers to how my comment could be considered hate speech.
I was told that my comment went against FB standards when I was standing up for American citizens first over illegals. American Citizens should be taken care of before anyone else and we have a lot of American citizens that need help. Our veterans need to me taken care of before we take care of these illegal aliens who are invading our country. I find FB’s comment that my comment is offensive, to be extremely offensive to my personal beliefs. I don't believe they should be able to censor my opinion and my thoughts. Talk about a bunch of BS.
The first amendment guarantees freedom of speech and FB is suppressing my freedom of speech.
I have added into this blog the exact wording from the United States Constitution First Amendment.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” ("First Amendment". Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute. July 5, 2019.)
If Congress can make no law restricting or abridging freedom of speech then FB should not be allowed to suppress free speech either.
Suppression of free speech is violating my constitutional rights.
I feel that I was banned for three days in error.
My comment was not hate speech. I was simply expressing my opinion and the fact is that FB is censoring my opinion, which is allowed under the Constitution. It’s called Free Speech.
Having an opinion that does not meet the liberal, socialist agenda has become a crime, if you choose to voice it, at least on FB.
I feel that we are not allowed to have an opinion unless it is biased toward the liberal looney left. I believe in different things and should have the right to express my opinion. When I posted stating that FB was censoring me for having an opinion that different than theirs and that is a large part of the problem in today’s society, people cannot agree to disagree.
I posted my opinion on having my comment censored stating that FB was suppressing my right to free speech, which is guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States and I got banned for three days. Please explain why? It makes no sense to me.
I want to know why there is no way to appeal and explain my comment and have it reviewed immediately, with discussion so that the intent behind my comment can be explained to the faceless FB person who banned me for something that was not hate speech. I did ask for my comment to be reviewed and it is still in review three days after the fact, which in my opinion is totally ridiculous. FB also does not have a space where you can give further information or ask questions when you submit for a review.
This whole thing has me perplexed. My mind is muddled as I do not see how what I said can in anyway be taken as hate speech. I did not have any animosity behind what I said, I simply stated what I believed and tried to explain to the person who I believe is a complete idiot for not getting the concept that these people are not immigrants, they are illegal because they are not following the law to try and gain access to our country.
I feel very strongly that we should take care of our own first. We have hundreds of real American’s who are hurting and in need and hundreds of veterans who need our help and we need to take care of them first, especially the veterans who put their lives on the line in defense of our country. I personally believe they should receive the pay of football and other sports players and football players and other sports people should get minimum wage, just as Congress should get minimum wage.
There is a legal way to enter our country and that is the only way they can and should enter. In my opinion people who are helping the illegals or encouraging them to come to AMerican, which we all know one particular political party is doing, are aiding and abetting criminals., which is also a crime.
In my opinion, FB is totally biased toward the liberal media and has drunk the Kool-Aid along with all the liberals and been brainwashed to believe the garbage they are spewing regarding socialism.
The liberal agenda includes crying about the small number of children separated from their parents, well what about the hundreds of thousands of American children (citizens) who are separated from their parents. Thosewho have parents in prison for committing a crime. Those who are in foster care, and more importantly,in my opinion, those separated from their parents in the military, who may never see their parents again because they could die in the service of their country.
If you do not agree with me, that is fine but tell me to my face, do no anonymously report me and hide behind someone’s skirt. I am open to civilized discussion regarding my opinion and yours. I would love to know why you disagree with me and the facts behind your opinion. I will give you mine and we can have a civil discussion, not whiny, yelling, and tattling like a two year old who has to go running to mommy to fix everything and can’t think for themselves. I am more than willing to have a civil discussion and to listen to someone who has views that differ from my own. I would like to know what facts they base their opinions on and why. By facts I mean real facts, that support their beliefs not the garbage being spouted by the looney left regarding how great socialism is.
A person has a right to state their own opinion and to be heard. Others have the right to agree or disagree, but to censor or ban others speech harkens back to Nazi Germany and I feel that we need to stop this before we become like Germany was when the Jews, Gypsies, and others were sent to concentration camp, and killed for not being the right kind of people, or for disagreeing with Hitler and his Nazi agenda. The Christians are being persecuted as are the Jews, which tells me that they (and you all know who I mean) are emulating Hitler and following in his footsteps. They want to ban all who do not drink their Kool-Aid and spout their party line. This is a crime in my opinion and it violates the Constitution of the United States of America.
Facebook Nazi’s censor free speech and violate out constitutional right to free speech. It is time to take a stand against the oppression. This needs to stop because censoring free speech violates the constitution. It is time for us to rise up against the socialist liberals who are trying to destroy our Constitution, our government, and our country.
On a side note, I cleared a bunch of liberal socialist from my friends list and there are more I still need to clear. I am decluttering the garbage, the socialist, and those who do not believe in free speech.