Thursday, April 4, 2013

Biking Season is Fast Approaching

I noted today that the bike trails along the roads near out house are getting clearer every day. Soon the snow will be gone and we can get the tandem out and ride.

It takes longer for some trails to clear than others because of the shade from the trees, but we can ride along the side of the road near home as there are bike lanes.

It was actually above 40° today which means it definitely getting to be biking weather.  My husband said, "It is only April and we could still get snow."  I am praying for sunshine and warm weather because I want to ride my bicycle.

I do not ride in the snow, but hubby does. He has a fat tire bike and studs for his mountain bike. I personally think he is a little nuts as it is way to cold to bike in the winter in my opinion.

Then tonight the weatherman said that more snow is expected this weekend and early next week.  YUCK!!! I am sick of snow and messy roads, I want sunshine and clear roads.

Winter has been too screwy for me this year. I think I will bring the bike inside so I can ride until the roads are really clear and no more snow is predicted.  Besides if I ride in the house I will be in better shape when it is time to hit the roads.

I think that will be on my list for tomorrow, now if I can only get the bike down off the hooks without knocking myself upside the head all will be good.


  1. Ride Wanda ride. There are still some isolated lumps of gross black snow around, but mostly it is all gone. It still looks ugly out there.
    Come on Spring.

    1. We are now officially over 400 miles for this year on the tandem, as of today. Planning more riding tomorrow.


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